
Create Workflow

To create a new workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. On the right side of the screen, click on Create new workflow.

  4. An empty canvas will open up. This is where you will configure the new workflow.

  5. A workflow is made up of a collection of nodes. You can think of a node as a function that performs a job. Data flows from one node to the next. To add a new node to the canvas, simply right-click anywhere and choose the nodes you wish to add. There are a few different types of nodes. Let's dig into each node type and the settings associated with it:

Trigger Nodes

Action Nodes

Operator Nodes

  1. Once you've assembled your desired workflow, on the top left of the page click on the pencil icon and provide a descriptive name for it.

  2. On the top right of the page, click on Deploy Workflow to deploy your new workflow. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is deployed successfully.

  3. If a workflow is deployed successfully, a message will appear on the bottom right of the page with a button that takes you to the Dashboard associated with your newly created workflow. For a workflow that starts with a File Upload trigger, the dashboard will be a dropzone component, for a workflow that starts with a Webhook trigger, the dashboard will be a table view of all the workflow runs that were triggered by the webhook.

Update Workflow

To update a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. Click on the ... icon on the right side of the row corresponding to the workflow you wish to edit.

  4. A menu will appear, select Edit.

  5. You will be taken to the configuration page of the corresponding workflow. Simply make the edits you wish.

  6. Once you're ready, click on Update Workflow at the top right of the page. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is updated successfully.

Run Workflow

To run a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

For workflows with a File Upload trigger:
  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab inside the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. Simply drag-and-drop the file you wish to trigger your workflow with or click on the Choose file to upload.

  5. This will trigger your workflow. As the workflow executes, you will be able to see real-time feedback about the execution on the right side of the screen. 

For workflows with a Webhook trigger:
  1. Once the workflow is deployed, navigate to the Workflows on the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. On the top right corner of the page, click on the ... icon.

  5. Click on Copy webhook URL. This will copy the webhook URL to your clipboard.

  6. Now you can use this URL to programmatically trigger this workflow from your codebase.

  7. You can find a sample cURL request to trigger this workflow by inspecting the webhook trigger node settings for the selected workflow.

Last Updated On 2024-05-23
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Last Updated On 2024-05-23
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Create Workflow

To create a new workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. On the right side of the screen, click on Create new workflow.

  4. An empty canvas will open up. This is where you will configure the new workflow.

  5. A workflow is made up of a collection of nodes. You can think of a node as a function that performs a job. Data flows from one node to the next. To add a new node to the canvas, simply right-click anywhere and choose the nodes you wish to add. There are a few different types of nodes. Let's dig into each node type and the settings associated with it:

Trigger Nodes

Action Nodes

Operator Nodes

  1. Once you've assembled your desired workflow, on the top left of the page click on the pencil icon and provide a descriptive name for it.

  2. On the top right of the page, click on Deploy Workflow to deploy your new workflow. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is deployed successfully.

  3. If a workflow is deployed successfully, a message will appear on the bottom right of the page with a button that takes you to the Dashboard associated with your newly created workflow. For a workflow that starts with a File Upload trigger, the dashboard will be a dropzone component, for a workflow that starts with a Webhook trigger, the dashboard will be a table view of all the workflow runs that were triggered by the webhook.

Update Workflow

To update a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. Click on the ... icon on the right side of the row corresponding to the workflow you wish to edit.

  4. A menu will appear, select Edit.

  5. You will be taken to the configuration page of the corresponding workflow. Simply make the edits you wish.

  6. Once you're ready, click on Update Workflow at the top right of the page. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is updated successfully.

Run Workflow

To run a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

For workflows with a File Upload trigger:
  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab inside the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. Simply drag-and-drop the file you wish to trigger your workflow with or click on the Choose file to upload.

  5. This will trigger your workflow. As the workflow executes, you will be able to see real-time feedback about the execution on the right side of the screen. 

For workflows with a Webhook trigger:
  1. Once the workflow is deployed, navigate to the Workflows on the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. On the top right corner of the page, click on the ... icon.

  5. Click on Copy webhook URL. This will copy the webhook URL to your clipboard.

  6. Now you can use this URL to programmatically trigger this workflow from your codebase.

  7. You can find a sample cURL request to trigger this workflow by inspecting the webhook trigger node settings for the selected workflow.

Last Updated On 2024-05-23}
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Last Updated On 2024-05-23}
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Create Workflow

To create a new workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. On the right side of the screen, click on Create new workflow.

  4. An empty canvas will open up. This is where you will configure the new workflow.

  5. A workflow is made up of a collection of nodes. You can think of a node as a function that performs a job. Data flows from one node to the next. To add a new node to the canvas, simply right-click anywhere and choose the nodes you wish to add. There are a few different types of nodes. Let's dig into each node type and the settings associated with it:

Trigger Nodes

Action Nodes

Operator Nodes

  1. Once you've assembled your desired workflow, on the top left of the page click on the pencil icon and provide a descriptive name for it.

  2. On the top right of the page, click on Deploy Workflow to deploy your new workflow. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is deployed successfully.

  3. If a workflow is deployed successfully, a message will appear on the bottom right of the page with a button that takes you to the Dashboard associated with your newly created workflow. For a workflow that starts with a File Upload trigger, the dashboard will be a dropzone component, for a workflow that starts with a Webhook trigger, the dashboard will be a table view of all the workflow runs that were triggered by the webhook.

Update Workflow

To update a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Automations tab in the main sidebar.

  2. Inside the Automations window, click on the Workflows tab.

  3. Click on the ... icon on the right side of the row corresponding to the workflow you wish to edit.

  4. A menu will appear, select Edit.

  5. You will be taken to the configuration page of the corresponding workflow. Simply make the edits you wish.

  6. Once you're ready, click on Update Workflow at the top right of the page. Any issues with your workflow's configuration will be surfaced upon clicking on that button before your workflow is updated successfully.

Run Workflow

To run a workflow, follow the steps outlined below:

For workflows with a File Upload trigger:
  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab inside the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. Simply drag-and-drop the file you wish to trigger your workflow with or click on the Choose file to upload.

  5. This will trigger your workflow. As the workflow executes, you will be able to see real-time feedback about the execution on the right side of the screen. 

For workflows with a Webhook trigger:
  1. Once the workflow is deployed, navigate to the Workflows on the Automations page.

  2. Click on the workflow you wish to run.

  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard associated with the selected workflow.

  4. On the top right corner of the page, click on the ... icon.

  5. Click on Copy webhook URL. This will copy the webhook URL to your clipboard.

  6. Now you can use this URL to programmatically trigger this workflow from your codebase.

  7. You can find a sample cURL request to trigger this workflow by inspecting the webhook trigger node settings for the selected workflow.

Last Updated On 2024-05-23
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Last Updated On 2024-05-23
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Create Workflow
Trigger Nodes
File Upload
Action Nodes
POST Request
Operator Nodes
Update Workflow
Run Workflow
For workflows with a File Upload trigger:
For workflows with a Webhook trigger:
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